
  • Muhammad Alfarizi Program Studi PJJ Manajemen, BINUS Online Learning, Universitas Bina Nusantara



Entrepreneurial Intentions, Islamicpreneurship, PTKI


The level of entrepreneurship in a country is an important assessment of economic growth and social welfare. Even though Indonesia has achieved an entrepreneurship ratio of 3.47%, the figure is still behind neighboring countries. Economic stability also depends on the number of entrepreneurs exceeding 14% of the population. Higher education has a key role in creating entrepreneurs who are skilled and responsive to the competitive labor market. However, the implementation of entrepreneurship education has not been evenly distributed. In Indonesia, Islamic Religious Universities (PTKI) have the potential to advance Islamicpreneurship. This study explores the influence of PTKI Islamicpreneurship education on students' entrepreneurial intentions using the TPB approach. This research highlights the importance of developing Islamicpreneurship at PTKI Indonesia as a significant contribution in promoting Islamic business ethics and sustainable economic growth. This study chose a survey-based quantitative approach involving 150 PTKI students in the Sumatra Region. Data collection was carried out online and the data collected was analyzed using the Structurak Equation Modeling-Partial Least Square technique. The research results show that Islamicpreneurship education has a positive effect on the attitudes and social norms of PTKI students. A positive attitude motivates them to become entrepreneurs in accordance with Islamic values, such as justice and blessing. Social norms influence their intentions to start Islamic entrepreneurship, with positive social pressure from peers and the community. However, perceived behavioral control did not have a significant impact on entrepreneurial intentions. Practical recommendations for Islamic Religious Universities (PTKI) and the Indonesian Ministry of Religion include strengthening the curriculum with Islamicpreneurship material, training with Islamic business practitioners, developing Islamic business projects, research, establishing an Islamicpreneurship Study Center, and financial support. The Indonesian Ministry of Religion must also support PTKI collaboration with industry and monitor Islamicpreneurship programs. Implementation of these recommendations will strengthen Islamic education in Indonesia and provide broad benefits.


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