
  • Anggi Anggraini SMA Negeri 1 Rundeng, Aceh
  • Aisyah Safitri



Merdeka Curriculum, Teaching Materials, Local Wisdom, Science


This activity is a training and mentoring program for the creation of teaching materials based on local wisdom for Middle School Science Teachers (MTs) in Padang Lawas Regency. This is based on the following facts: (1) teachers have a low understanding of creating teaching materials for the Merdeka Curriculum based on local wisdom, (2) there hasn't been any training for creating teaching materials for science subjects in the Merdeka Curriculum based on local wisdom in Padang Lawas District, (3) teachers are not using relevant, creative, and student-appropriate teaching materials. The target of this activity is the members of the Middle School Science Teacher Working Group (MGMP IPA) in Padang Lawas Regency, totaling 15 people. The implementation of the activity begins with a preparation phase, followed by the implementation phase using the in-on-in training pattern, and completed by the evaluation phase. This activity results in 15 teaching materials for the Merdeka Curriculum based on local wisdom created by the training participants. Survey results show that 93% of participants strongly agree that this training improves their understanding of creating teaching materials for the Merdeka Curriculum based on local wisdom. Post-test results show that 80% of participants scored highly in the range of 70-100. The average score of participants in the pre-test was 61, while the post-test results increased to 90. This indicates that the training is effective in enhancing teachers' understanding and ability to create teaching materials for the Merdeka Curriculum based on local wisdom.


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