Jurnal Analisa Pemikiran Insan Cendikia (Jurnal APIC) https://apicbdkmedan.kemenag.go.id/index.php/apic <table> <tbody> <tr> <td style="vertical-align: top;" width="42%"><img style="vertical-align: top;" src="https://apicbdkmedan.kemenag.go.id/public/site/images/admin/about.png" alt="" /></td> <td style="vertical-align: top;" align="justify"> <table> <tbody> <tr> <td> <p style="line-height: 1.4; vertical-align: top;">APIC Journal of Education and Training Medan Religious Training Center is a six-month periodical journal published by Balai Diklat Keagamaan Medan (Training Center for Education and Religious Technical Personnel), under the Ministry of Religious Affairs, Republic of Indonesia. The journal is aimed to disseminate the results of research/study on approaches, models, strategies, methods, media, learning innovations and development of teaching materials that improving the quality of training for educational and religious technical personnel. APIC was first published in printed form in 2018. It is published frequently twice a year, in June and December.</p> <p>ISSN (Print) : <a href="https://issn.lipi.go.id/terbit/detail/1540437451" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2654-7201</a><br />ISSN (Online) : <a href="https://issn.lipi.go.id/terbit/detail/20211006551906458" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2808-6902</a></p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <p>APIC Indexed by :</p> <p><a href="https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=EDj7GewAAAAJ&amp;hl=id" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img src="https://apicbdkmedan.kemenag.go.id/public/site/images/admin/01-googlescholar1.png" alt="" width="222" height="77" /> </a> <a href="https://search.crossref.org/?q=Jurnal+Analisa+Pemikiran+Insaan+Cendikia&amp;from_ui=yes" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img src="https://apicbdkmedan.kemenag.go.id/public/site/images/adminapic/mceclip0.png" alt="" width="222" height="77" /> </a> <a href="https://garuda.kemdikbud.go.id/journal/view/27577#!" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img src="https://apicbdkmedan.kemenag.go.id/public/site/images/admin/garuda1.png" alt="" width="222" height="77" /> </a> </p> <p><a href="https://app.dimensions.ai/discover/publication?search_mode=content&amp;search_text=10.54583&amp;search_type=kws&amp;search_field=full_search" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img src="https://apicbdkmedan.kemenag.go.id/public/site/images/adminapic/mceclip1.png" alt="" width="222" height="77" /> </a></p> Balai Diklat Keagamaan Medan en-US Jurnal Analisa Pemikiran Insan Cendikia (Jurnal APIC) 2654-7201 PERAN GURU PENDIDIKAN PANCASILA DAN KEWARGANEGARAN DALAM MEMBANGUN KARAKTER SOSIAL MELALUI BUDAYA LOKAL https://apicbdkmedan.kemenag.go.id/index.php/apic/article/view/121 <p><em>The purpose of the research in this paper is to 1) find out the meaning of social character in the lives of the nation and state; 2) find out the role of PPKn in maintaining local culture; and 3) find out the strategies of PPKn teachers in building social character in students. The research approach used is qualitative and uses the literature study method to take data from journal articles of research results, proceedings, books, news from online media, and others. The data analysis technique used is interactive data analysis. The results showed that 1) the meaning of social character in the life of the nation and state is to establish harmony between differences and maintain harmony between the state and citizens for the realization of unity and unity, 2) PPkn in maintaining local culture in the era of </em><em>society</em><em> 5.0 is very central, namely by educating and inspiring students to maintain and preserve local wisdom that develops in their respective regions and is wise in using internet technology so that it is not easily influenced by values or cultures from outside, especially those that conflict with the nation's personality, and 3) teacher strategies in building social character in the </em><em>era of society</em><em> 5.0, namely by example, maintaining discipline, habituation, and creating a school culture that is comfortable and conducive to </em><em>stakeholders</em><em>. In addition, coupled with supporting activities such as social services, protecting the environment, providing compensation to orphans or poor children, and so on.</em></p> Pipit Widiatmaka Abd. Muid Aris Shofa Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Analisa Pemikiran Insan Cendikia (Jurnal APIC) 2023-12-01 2023-12-01 6 2 149 159 10.54583/apic.vol6.no2.121 PROGRAM STUDENTPRENEURSHIP MELALUI PRAKTIK PASAR KREASI SISWA DALAM MENINGKATKAN KARAKTER KREATIVITAS SISWA MI AL IMAN MRANGGEN https://apicbdkmedan.kemenag.go.id/index.php/apic/article/view/127 <p><em>This study discusses the studentpreneurship program through the practice of student creation markets in improving the character of creativity of MI Al Iman Mranggen students which aims to studentprneurship program through the practice of Student Creation Market at MI Al Iman Mranggen, Magelang Regency. The background of this research is based on the low creativity character possessed by MI Al Iman Mranggen students. The research method used is Action Research with a Kemis &amp;Taggart type spiral model consisting of four research stages: diagnosing, planning action, taking action, and evaluating. The results showed that the character of creativity at MI Al Iman Mranggen was 40%, meaning that the level of creativity was still low. Then the researchers renewed the studentpreneurship program at MI Al Iman Mranggen, namely the practice of the Student Creation Market, so that the results obtained that the character of student creativity at MI Al Iman Mranggen increased to 86%. The increase in the character of creativity is seen from the research indicators. Among them, students have new ideas, make something unique and original, take advantage of new opportunities, have great curiosity, and can solve their problems. So students who can fulfil these creativity indicators are said to have increased their level of creativity.</em></p> Rifda Malicha Hamidulloh Ibda Farinka Nurrahmah Azizah Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Analisa Pemikiran Insan Cendikia (Jurnal APIC) 2023-12-01 2023-12-01 6 2 114 126 10.54583/apic.vol6.no2.127 PENDIDIKAN ISLAMICPRENEURSHIP DAN KONEKSINYA DENGAN NIAT PRAKTIK WIRAUSAHA ISLAMI MAHASISWA PTKIN WILAYAH SUMATERA https://apicbdkmedan.kemenag.go.id/index.php/apic/article/view/134 <p><em>The level of entrepreneurship in a country is an important assessment of economic growth and social welfare. Even though Indonesia has achieved an entrepreneurship ratio of 3.47%, the figure is still behind neighboring countries. Economic stability also depends on the number of entrepreneurs exceeding 14% of the population. Higher education has a key role in creating entrepreneurs who are skilled and responsive to the competitive labor market. However, the implementation of entrepreneurship education has not been evenly distributed. In Indonesia, Islamic Religious Universities (PTKI) have the potential to advance Islamicpreneurship. This study explores the influence of PTKI Islamicpreneurship education on students' entrepreneurial intentions using the TPB approach. This research highlights the importance of developing Islamicpreneurship at PTKI Indonesia as a significant contribution in promoting Islamic business ethics and sustainable economic growth. This study chose a survey-based quantitative approach involving 150 PTKI students in the Sumatra Region. Data collection was carried out online and the data collected was analyzed using the Structurak Equation Modeling-Partial Least Square technique. The research results show that Islamicpreneurship education has a positive effect on the attitudes and social norms of PTKI students. A positive attitude motivates them to become entrepreneurs in accordance with Islamic values, such as justice and blessing. Social norms influence their intentions to start Islamic entrepreneurship, with positive social pressure from peers and the community. However, perceived behavioral control did not have a significant impact on entrepreneurial intentions. Practical recommendations for Islamic Religious Universities (PTKI) and the Indonesian Ministry of Religion include strengthening the curriculum with Islamicpreneurship material, training with Islamic business practitioners, developing Islamic business projects, research, establishing an Islamicpreneurship Study Center, and financial support. The Indonesian Ministry of Religion must also support PTKI collaboration with industry and monitor Islamicpreneurship programs. Implementation of these recommendations will strengthen Islamic education in Indonesia and provide broad benefits.</em></p> Muhammad Alfarizi Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Analisa Pemikiran Insan Cendikia (Jurnal APIC) 2023-12-01 2023-12-01 6 2 160 178 10.54583/apic.vol6.no2.134 EFEKTIVITAS PENDEKATAN PEMBELAJARAN SCIENCE, ENVIRONMENT, TECHNOLOGY, SOCIETY (SETS) TERHADAP PEMBELAJARAN SAINS: STUDI METAANALISIS https://apicbdkmedan.kemenag.go.id/index.php/apic/article/view/140 <p><em>This study aims to analyze the effectiveness of learning through the Science, Evironment, Technology and Society (SETS) approach in quantitative experimental research models on learning outcomes. In addition, this analytical research focuses on science learning at the elementary, middle, high school and tertiary levels. The method used to analyze the effectiveness of the SETS-based learning approach is the researcher measuring the effect size of the research articles</em> <em>about the differences or effects of learning with approaches to science, environment, technology, and society and student learning outcomes in science learning both in physics, chemistry, biology, earth and space sciences and science lessons. The type of research used is meta-analysis using data tabulation sheets and instruments</em> <em>analyzed using openMEE software. There were 83 articles selected, however, there were 22 articles that were relevant and in accordance with the research segmentation with a range of publications in the last 5 years (2018 – 2022). The average effect size obtained from each article is high (large effect) so it is interpreted that there is a significant influence between the SETS-based learning approach variables and student learning outcomes in learning science. The research results can provide a reference for teachers that SETS-based learning is very relevant given to students during the learning process.</em></p> Irfandi Irfandi Gunarno Purwanto Mangindo Nainggolan Desnita Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Analisa Pemikiran Insan Cendikia (Jurnal APIC) 2023-12-01 2023-12-01 6 2 179 190 10.54583/apic.vol6.no2.140 EMPAT PILAR DASAR DALAM MEWUJUDKAN PEMERINTAHAN YANG BERSIH DAN BERKUALITAS PERSPEKTIF ISLAM https://apicbdkmedan.kemenag.go.id/index.php/apic/article/view/126 <p><em>Clean and quality government is the main key in presenting a good governance order for a region, so that it can give birth to justice, prosperity and happiness for the community. This clean and quality government system still seems to be a hope and is still far from reality. One of the proofs is that there are still many Regional Heads in West Java Province or leaders of other government institutions who are involved in committing acts of abuse of power such as corruption crimes. Therefore, the authors conduct studies and research to create a clean and quality government. In this scientific writing, the research method used is library research or literature study. Based on the results obtained, the author emphasizes that there are four basic internal pillars for creating a clean and quality government, namely attitude: Shiddiq, Tabligh, Amanah and Fathonah which is shortened to STAF. These four characteristics can shape a person's good personality in various situations and positions, including for a Regional Head, Bureaucrat, Servant of the State and other important positions. The four basic pillars aside from being a personal leader of a government institution, the STAF concept can also be applied to government systems and management. So, having these four basic pillars will encourage the realization of clean and quality governance.</em></p> Ilin Solehudin Andri Nurjaman Nurul Alamin Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Analisa Pemikiran Insan Cendikia (Jurnal APIC) 2023-12-01 2023-12-01 6 2 100 113 10.54583/apic.vol6.no2.126 MANAJEMEN PENGELOLAAN INFORMASI BERBASIS TRANSFORMASI DIGITAL (STUDI KASUS : PENGELOLAAN MEDIA INFORMASI BDK TV) https://apicbdkmedan.kemenag.go.id/index.php/apic/article/view/130 <p><em>In the era of digital transformation, the amount of data generated is constantly increasing at a rapid pace. Organizations need to be able to manage this data well to make timely decisions and identify new business opportunities. The use of technologies such as data analytics and artificial intelligence can help in effective data management. The purpose of this research is to create and design a breakthrough, especially in digital transformation-based information management through the BDK TV project which will be displayed on a special plate form on a website. This research method uses the content analysis method on the information management of the Palembang Diversity Training Center. The conclusion of this research shows that there is no digital transformation-based information management at the Palembang Religious Education and Training Center. The implications of the research results show the importance of leaders to make policies in changing the pattern of digital transformation-based information management to be carried out in the future.</em></p> Musyaddad Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Analisa Pemikiran Insan Cendikia (Jurnal APIC) 2023-12-01 2023-12-01 6 2 127 137 10.54583/apic.vol6.no2.130 PELATIHAN PEMBUATAN BAHAN AJAR KURIKULUM MERDEKA BERBASIS KEARIFAN LOKAL UNTUK MGMP IPA TINGKAT MTs KABUPATEN PADANG LAWAS https://apicbdkmedan.kemenag.go.id/index.php/apic/article/view/139 <p><em>This activity is a training and mentoring program for the creation of teaching materials based on local wisdom for Middle School Science Teachers (MTs) in Padang Lawas Regency. This is based on the following facts: (1) teachers have a low understanding of creating teaching materials for the Merdeka Curriculum based on local wisdom, (2) there hasn't been any training for creating teaching materials for science subjects in the Merdeka Curriculum based on local wisdom in Padang Lawas District, (3) teachers are not using relevant, creative, and student-appropriate teaching materials. The target of this activity is the members of the Middle School Science Teacher Working Group (MGMP IPA) in Padang Lawas Regency, totaling 15 people. The implementation of the activity begins with a preparation phase, followed by the implementation phase using the in-on-in training pattern, and completed by the evaluation phase. This activity results in 15 teaching materials for the Merdeka Curriculum based on local wisdom created by the training participants. Survey results show that 93% of participants strongly agree that this training improves their understanding of creating teaching materials for the Merdeka Curriculum based on local wisdom. Post-test results show that 80% of participants scored highly in the range of 70-100. The average score of participants in the pre-test was 61, while the post-test results increased to 90. This indicates that the training is effective in enhancing teachers' understanding and ability to create teaching materials for the Merdeka Curriculum based on local wisdom.</em></p> Anggi Anggraini Aisyah Safitri Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Analisa Pemikiran Insan Cendikia (Jurnal APIC) 2023-12-01 2023-12-01 6 2 138 148 10.54583/apic.vol6.no2.139